I was recently reading a book on “Positivity” by Barbara Fredrickson. In it she claims that no matter where we are, if we take a moment to ask ourselves questions like, “What’s right about my current circumstances?” or “What makes me lucky to be here?” we can light our inner glow of gratitude. I tend to agree with her. Powerful questions can point us in a different direction and can change our point of view and attitude.

If we habitually ask ourselves questions like, ‘What’s wrong with me? What’s not happening like it should? What could be better here? or even Who’s to blame?’ our focus is immediately on the negative, and that in turn builds a negative mood for us, and probably for those around us as well.

I believe that moods and attitudes are catching. Have you ever walked into a room just after someone has had an argument and you pick up on a lingering bad vibe? Have you ever walked into a workplace where even though nothing is being said, you could cut the air with a knife?

It can be a huge downer if we let ourselves get caught up in the negative mood that may be hanging around a place or a person. This is where empowering questions can be very useful. By asking ourselves questions that change our focus, we can avoid getting pulled down. We can concentrate on appreciating what is working, rather than on the bad vibe.

Training ourselves to look for something to be grateful for, no matter what the circumstance, can work wonders to create a positive mood that will hopefully be “caught” and passed on by those we encounter.