Do you Relate to this?

I found this quote somewhere and it appeals to me for many reasons. I am afraid I do not know who wrote it, so thankyou to who ever you are.

“Human beings are not meant to be passive or compliant: they are designed to be active and engaged. The most fulfilling and satisfying experiences in our lives are not when we are gaining the trappings of so called success by buying bigger and better toys, but when we are listening to our inner yearnings and our deep knowings, and then acting upon that by giving something of ourselves and doing something that matters, doing it well, and doing it in the service of a cause larger than ourselves.”


Fellow travellers

Reality is much more complex than any judgement of right and wrong, good or bad, us and them, encourages you to believe.

When you seriously contemplate the ethical, spiritual, social and economic and psychological forces that shape individuals, you will see that most people’s choices are not based on a desire to do wrong or create hurt. (more…)